Programming and
Design by
Jens Schöbel
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Advanced Software Practical Course
Terrain Tool with the SOAR-Algorithm
Class 'jsTemplate' - template class for PHP
Class 'jsErrorLogger' - class for error loggin in PHP
Class 'jsNumExp' - class for calculating postfix expresions in PHP

Web Programming

Bakanida City - Browsergame inspired by Sim City
White Chestnut - Obedience School for Dogs


Degree Dissertation (in German)
Member of the Angkor Project Group
Seminar: Angkor - Realtime Visualization with a game engine
Seminar: Angkor - Terrain Visualization (in German)
Seminar: Newton Methods (in German)

degree dissertation about ''SPLIT-Minimierung in Binary Space Partitioning Bäumen''

My degree dissertation is available in German only. It deals with optimizing BSP-Trees, a special data structure to accelerate realtime computer graphics. This theses tries to build a bridge from pure discrete mathematics to computer graphics.

Degree Dissertation - (1296 kB pdf)
Degree Dissertation - (1068 kB 7z)

Angkor Project Group

The aim of the Angkor Project Group, APG, is a close collaboration among students with different cultural and educational backgrounds, transferring knowledge based on direct contacts.

.. you can read on the homepage of the Angor Project Group.
Myself I'm working on the possibility to visualize the temples of Angkor Wat in realtime. My goal is to walk into the virtual temples in realtime. A feasibility study demonstrates the possibility to use the technology of a game engine - in this case the Unreal Technology. At the beginning of this study we discussed different algorithms for terrain visualization. The link to the small terrain tool I wrote also leads to some related pictures. This study was concluded by a seminar lecture. Two handouts for discussions are available, but they only show a very small part of the study.

Angkor Project Group at the University of Heidelberg
People of the project (I'm the second from the bottom of the page.)
Terrain Tool

Handout - Realtime Visualization - (230 kB 7z)
Handout - Realtime Visualization - (773 kB pdf)

The following handout is available in German only.

Handout - Terrain Visualization - (277 kB 7z)
Handout - Terrain Visualization - (820 kB pdf)

Advanced Software Practical Course

This course was a cooperation with my fellow student Thorsten Bonato. We had to deal with optimal algorithms (Dynamic Programming) and heuristics (e.g. 2-Phase-Optimization) for optimizing matrix multiplications and cartesian products. A documentation is included.

Release Package - (215 kB 7z)
Release Package - (637 kB zip)

Seminar: Newton Methods

The seminar discusses the global convergence of general Gauß-Newton-Methods. The second part shows some strategies for improving bounded problems in the optimization.

Handout - (139 kB pdf)
Handout - (115 kB 7z)

Bakanida City - a browsergame inspired by Sim City

Bakanida City is a browsergame inspired by the good old Sim City. Browsergames are games you can play via a usual browser. You don't need to install anything - just register and start playing. Actually, all browsergames are multiplayer games. You can play with thousands of people. The community of browsergame players is really huge and still growing. Most of the browsergames are so-called click and raid games only designed to build large armies to destroy the other players. But I want to go one step further and try to combine the multiplayer part with the classical Sim City gametype.

Bakanida City - the first techdemo (in German)

White Chestnut - Obedience School for Dogs

White Chestnut is an obedience school for dogs managed by my mum. I made a homepage for her school. Since I learned quite a few new techniques I'm proud to show the hompage.

White Chestnut Homepage

PHP - Template Class 'jsTemplate'

The current version 1.1.5 can be downloaded as:

jsTemplate Class - for PHP (18.6 kB 7z)
jsTemplate Class - for PHP (29.7 kB rar)
jsTemplate Class - for PHP (34.8 kB zip)

The class 'jsTemplate' is written in PHP. It is used to encapsulate the PHP source from the (x)html source code. This class gives the possibility of better programming and separating the work of a coder from the work of a (web) designer.

This piece of code is free to use, but it is not allowed to change the source code without my permission. The source is well commented and a documentation comes with it.

PHP - Class 'jsErrorLogger'

The current version can be downloaded as:

jsErrorLogger Class - for PHP (14.9 kB 7z)
jsErrorLogger Class - for PHP (25.9 kB zip)

The class 'jsErrorLogger' is written in PHP. It provides the possibility to define error logging object in a tree structure. It is possible to tell the class that a complete branch should or need not to log an error if one occure. The errors can be logged in a file, on screen or collected and printed if needed.

This piece of code is free to use, but it is not allowed to change the source code without my permission. The source is well commented and a documentation comes with it.

PHP - Class 'jsNumExp'

The current version can be downloaded as:

jsNumExp Class - for PHP (17.5 kB 7z)
jsNumExp Class - for PHP (65.7 kB zip)

The class 'jsNumExp' is written in PHP. You can use it to calculete formulas given in the postfix notation.

This piece of code is free to use, but it is not allowed to change the source code without my permission. The source is well commented and a documentation comes with it.